45 Following

Inkspot Fancy

Comics and fantasy and sci-fi, oh my!

Currently reading

The House on the Borderland
William Hope Hodgson
Dust and Light: A Sanctuary Novel
Carol Berg
The Dead
Jen Hickman, Robert James Maddox
Deadlands: Dead Man's Hand
David Gallaher, Jeff Mariotte, Jimmy Palmiotti
Ghost Hunt 2
Shiho Inada, Fuyumi Ono
Devil Survivor 1
Satoru Matsuba

Working backward?

The Pearl Diver - Sujata Massey

I have a weird relationship with mystery novels. I really do enjoy them, but I almost never seek them out. I'm not sure why that is. But regardless, this book - given me after a yard sale - was really fun.


Rei Shimura's clearly had a lot of adventures before this one, but nothing from previous books is needed - this one explains anything you would require to understand the proceedings. She's in D.C. working at interior design and planning for her eventual marriage to her fiance. She's catching up with some of her American family, most of whom she doesn't really get on with.


But when her cousin disappears from the restaurant she's helping decorate and another young woman asks her for help, she's pulled into a dangerous web of trouble - some modern, and some dating back decades. A confluence of shady behavior from several people, the mystery of a missing war bride and how to hide the fact that she's living with her fiance from her visiting Aunt Norie.


Okay, so maybe one of these things is not like the other.


The characters in this were a lot of fun. I think the plot was maybe a little strange - I had a little trouble at times keeping a few things straight - but it made up for it with the awesome characters. I may definitely have to go back and read some of the other books in this series!