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Inkspot Fancy

Comics and fantasy and sci-fi, oh my!

Currently reading

The House on the Borderland
William Hope Hodgson
Dust and Light: A Sanctuary Novel
Carol Berg
The Dead
Jen Hickman, Robert James Maddox
Deadlands: Dead Man's Hand
David Gallaher, Jeff Mariotte, Jimmy Palmiotti
Ghost Hunt 2
Shiho Inada, Fuyumi Ono
Devil Survivor 1
Satoru Matsuba

Nostalgia and old paper

Wimbledon Green - Seth

This was a strange, weirdly fascinating read. I'm still not sure how much I liked it, but I'm definitely glad I read it.


Wimbledon Green is one of a passel of classic comic book collectors in a cut-throat and sometimes violent world of comic book collectors. As they compete with one another for the dwindling supply of old Mint quality comics they also face the biggest question - who exactly IS Wimbledon Green? Where did he come from? And how did he amass his massive collection?


Not being a heavy collector, I think there are some bits of this that just don't resonate with me the way they will with some people. But the disconnected way the story was told - through interviews with fellow collectors, sellers, comic shop owners and others, along with regular narrative comics - made the story more of a puzzle to piece together than one to just read, and I really appreciated that. It was a great meditation on why people collect things, what they're looking for in their collection, and how impassioned they can get about something that's ultimately not that important. But it's important to THEM, for various reasons.


While the art isn't great and the lettering was a little hard for me to read at times, it was a quick, fascinating read and I may have to seek out more by this creator.