45 Following

Inkspot Fancy

Comics and fantasy and sci-fi, oh my!

Currently reading

The House on the Borderland
William Hope Hodgson
Dust and Light: A Sanctuary Novel
Carol Berg
The Dead
Jen Hickman, Robert James Maddox
Deadlands: Dead Man's Hand
David Gallaher, Jeff Mariotte, Jimmy Palmiotti
Ghost Hunt 2
Shiho Inada, Fuyumi Ono
Devil Survivor 1
Satoru Matsuba
DRRR!! Durarara!! 4 (Durarara!! Manga, #4) - Ryohgo Narita,  成田 良悟,  Akiyo Satorigi,  茶鳥木 明代,  Suzuhito Yasuda,  ヤスダ スズヒト the conclusion to the main story worked really well for me, but some of the wind down felt a little disconnected and I wasn't quite sure what to make of some of it - how surprised I was supposed to be I guess. Some of the wrapup just seemed sort of meh. Still, an overall fun series and a solid ending.