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Inkspot Fancy

Comics and fantasy and sci-fi, oh my!

Currently reading

The House on the Borderland
William Hope Hodgson
Dust and Light: A Sanctuary Novel
Carol Berg
The Dead
Jen Hickman, Robert James Maddox
Deadlands: Dead Man's Hand
David Gallaher, Jeff Mariotte, Jimmy Palmiotti
Ghost Hunt 2
Shiho Inada, Fuyumi Ono
Devil Survivor 1
Satoru Matsuba
Dictatorial Grimoire: Cinderella - Ayumi Kanou

This manga, at least here in the first volume, is so-so, and reminds me of a lot of other things. It's Natsume's Book of Friends without the emotion. It's Yu Gi Oh without the camp. It's Occult Academy with a narrower focus. It's Cardcaptor Sakura by way of  the Grand Guignol Orchestra.


Actually, the thing I think it reminds me most of is probably Miyukichan in Wonderland, only for the opposite gender.


Regardless, I think it's a bad sign for my continued enjoyment that the major thing I took away from reading this was, "this reminds me a lot of something. What is it? What IS it?"


You like pretty boys doing their vaguely homoerotic pretty boy manga thing? You'll get plenty of that. You want alternate takes on fairy tale characters? You'll get that too. How about your traditional aloof reluctant hero? Three for three. Everything about this feels well-trod and done better elsewhere.


Still, it was a diverting enough read, and it does do one thing toward the end which makes me quite curious how the next volume is going to work out. It looks at the idea of people being the hero of their own story, questions of hero and villain, questions of perspective, in a way that didn't immediately put me in mind of something else and which pushed this to a 3.5 star rating. I hope that continues in the next volume and it doesn't just settle back to the same old same old.